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  胡小平,男,汉族,博士,副教授, 博士研究生导师。日本冈山大学资源生物科学研究所博士后。教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者。

  1990-1994 西北农业大学,本科学习;
  1997-1999 西北农业大学植物病理学专业攻读硕士学位;
  2000-2004 西北农林科技大学植物病理学专业攻读博士学位;
  2001-2002 中国科学院微生物研究所植物生物技术重点实验室合作研究;
  2002 德国国家果树育种研究所短期合作研究;
  2005-2008 日本冈山大学资源生物科学研究所微生物学博士后;
  2010.1-2 美国华盛顿州立大学、普度大学、耶鲁大学短期交流与访问。
  陕西省苹果主要病虫测报与防治技术推广,陕西省科学技术推广二等奖,2005年,排名第四 (4/20)。
  五、主要学术论文与著作 (2006-)
  Xiaoping Hu, Uschara Thumarat, Xian Zhang, Ming Tang, Fusako Kawai. Diversity of polyester-degrading bacteria in compost and molecular analysis of a thermoactive esterase from Thermobifida alba AHK119. Appled Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2010, 87:771?79. (SCI , IF=2.89)
  Baotong Wang, Xiaoping Hu*, Qiang Li, Baojun Hao, Bo Zhang, Gaobao Li, and Zhensheng Kang. Development of Race-Specific SCAR Markers for Detection of Chinese Races CYR32 and CYR33 of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. Tritici. Plant Disease, 2010, 94(2): 221-228 (Corresponding and co-first authors). (SCI , IF=2.12)
  Kawai Fusako, Hu Xiaoping. Biochemistry of microbial polyvinyl alcohol degradation (Review Paper). Appled Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2009, 84: 227-237. (SCI , IF=2.89)
  Xiaoping Hu, Satoshi Osaki, Miki Hayashi, Mureo Kaku, Susumu Katuen, Hiroshi Kobayashi and Fusako Kawai. Degradation of a terephthalate-containing polyester by thermophilic actinomycetes and Bacillus species derived from composts. Journal of Polymer and The Environment, 2008, 16, 103-108. (SCI , IF=1.6)
  Xiaoping Hu, Rie Mamoto, Yoshio Fujioka, Akio Tani, Kazuhide Kimbara, Fusao Kawai. The pva operon is located on the megaplasmid of Sphingopyxis sp. strain 113P3 and regulated by a constitutive promotor, but the expression is enhanced by PVA. Applied and Microbiological Biotechnology, 2008, 78 (4): 685-693. (SCI , IF=2.89)
  Xiaoping Hu, Xin Liu, Akio Tani, Kazuhide Kimbara and Fusako Kawai. Proposed Oxidative Metabolic Pathway for Polypropylene Glycol in Sphingobium sp. Strain PW-1. Bioscience,Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2008, 72(4): 1115-1118.(SCI , IF=1.39)
  Rie Mamoto, Xiaoping Hu,Hiroko Chiue, Yoshio Fujioka, Fusako Kawai. Cloning and expression of soluble Cytochrome c and its role in Polyvinyl Alcohol degradation by PVA-utilizing Sphingopyxis sp. Strain 113P3. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2008, 105(2): 147-151.(SCI , IF=1.702)
  Xiaoping Hu, Rie Mamoto, Fusako Kawai. Polyvinyl alcohol degradation by Sphingopyxis sp. strain 113P3. Journal of Biotechnology, 2008, 136: 308. (SCI , IF=2.8)
  Xiaoping Hu, Rie Mamoto, Yumi Shimomura, Kazuhide Kimbara and Fusako Kawai. Cell surface structure enhancing uptake of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is induced by PVA in PVA-utilizing Sphingopyxis sp. strain 113P3. Archives of Microbiology, 2007, 188 (3):235-241.(SCI, IF=2.135)
  Xiaoping Hu, Akira Fukutani, Kazuhide Kimbara and Fusako Kawai. Isolation of bacteria able to grow on both polyethylene glycol (PEG) and polypropylene glycol (PPG) and their PEG/PPG dehydrogenases. Applied and Microbiological Biotechnology, 2007, 73 (6):1407-1413.(SCI , IF=2.89)







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