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  招生层  次:招收硕士研究生
  电子邮件:eeqshguan@scut.edu.cn; qshguan@ieee.org

  目前已发表高水平学术论文39篇(SCI收录15篇,EI录用24篇),其中包含8篇IEEE Transactions论文;Springer英文专著章节1篇;软件版权3项;国家发明专利授权2项,申请7项。根据google scholar数据,目前论文已被引用323次,单篇最高引用87次。获IEEE ICCC 2014 Best Paper Award(最佳论文奖);获全国高校软件定义网络创新开发大赛二等奖;入选高等学校“千百十人才培养工程”校级培养对象;第三届深港澳台博士生南山学术论坛优秀论文三等奖。
  任国通信学会青年工作委员会成员;曾任IEEE Globecom 13/14, ICCVE 13/14, INFOCOM-MCC 2014等的技术程序委员会成员;曾任IEEE ICCS 2008和IEEE INFOCOM-CWCN 2010组委会成员;长期任多个国际会议审稿者,如IEEE INFOCOM/MILCOM/GLOBECOM/WCNC等;多个本领域主流国内外期刊审稿者,如IEEE Trans. Commun./Mobile Comuping/Wireless Commun./Veh. Tech.,, China Communications等;是IEEE会员。

  – 认知无线电网络
  – MAC, 路由and TCP
  – 协作通信



  – 《操作系统》、《计算机网络》,电联班和卓越班
  – 《无线网络》, 研究生班

  ►科研项目 (在研)
  – 基于协同与协作的网络休眠机制研究, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 主持, 2014.1- 2016.12
  – 虚拟MIMO网络稳定匹配理论研究, 中央高校基本科研经费重点项目, 主持, 2014.1- 2015.12
  – 无线网络中的低能耗休眠技术研究, 广东自然科学基金博士启动项目, 支持,2013.1- 2014.12
  – 无线网络高能效连通性研究, 中央高校基本科研经费面上项目, 主持,2012.1-2013.12
  – 机间动态网络的安全态势可靠共享理论和方法, 国家973 计划项目课题, 主要贡献者, 2011.1- 2014.12
  – 水下动态多节点自动接入与组网基础研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号:61431005),参与,2015-2019.

  – Member, IEEE
  – Member, Communication Society, IEEE
  – IEEE ICCS 2008
  – IEEE Infocom-CWCN 2010
  – IEEE GreenCom 2013, IEEE Globecom-CogRN 2011-/2014
  – ICCVE 2013/2014
  – 期刊: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Wireless Comm., IEEE Commun. Letters, IEEE System J. Broadband Access Networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications
  and Networking, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Elsevier Computer Communications, International Journal of Green Energy, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

  - 2014年度本科教学优秀奖-本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师奖
  - 2014第一届全国高校软件定义网络应用创新大赛二等奖,指导老师
  - 2013年度本科教学优秀奖“科技创新优秀指导教师”
  - 高等学校“千百十人才培养工程”校级培养对象,2014
  - IEEE ICCC 2014, Best Paper Award
  See my google citation (http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=TtzTiTQAAAAJ&hl=en)

  [1] Quansheng Guan, F. R. Yu, and S. Jiang, Topology Control and Routing in Cognitive Radio Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. in Cognitive Radio Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Springer, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4419-6171-6.

  ►期刊论文(SCI 收录13 篇,EI 收录1 篇)
  [16] K. Wang, M. Tao, W. Chen, and Quansheng Guan, “Delay-Aware Energy-Efficient Communications Over Nakagami-m Fading Channel with MMPP Traffic,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 2015, minor revision. SCI.
  [15] B. Zheng, F. Chen, Quansheng Guan, M. Wen, H. Yu, and F. Ji, “Novel Pilot Design and Signal Detection for SC-FDE Systems with Frequency Domain Pilot Multiplexing Technique,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 2015, accepted. SCI.
  [14] L. Tang, Quansheng Guan*, S. Jiang, and B. Guo, “A Deadline-aware and Distance-aware Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2015, Mar., 2015. SCI.
  [13] H. Cui, Y. Wang, Quansheng Guan, and H. Zhang, “Distributed Interference-Aware Cooperative MAC based on Stackelberg Pricing Game,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Sept. 2014. 已录用, SCI, IF=2.063.
  [12] Y. Cui, J. Qing, Quansheng Guan, F. Ji, and G. Wei, “Stochastically Optimized Fountain Based Transmissions over Underwater Acoustic Channels,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no. 5, 2015, SCI, IF=2.063.
  [11] B. Guo, Quansheng Guan, F. R. Yu, S. Jiang, and V. C. Leung, “Energy-Efficient Topology Control with Selective Diversity in Cooperative Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: A Game-Theoretic Approach,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, VOL. 13, NO. 11, pp. 6484-6495, NOVEMBER 2014.
  [10] Y. Cai, S. Jiang, Quansheng Guan, and R. Yu, “Decoupling Congestion Control from TCP for Multi-hop Wireless Networks (Semi-TCP): An Implementation Study,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Mar. 2013. SCI, IF=0.873.
  [9] X. Ao, F. R. Yu, S. Jiang, Quansheng Guan, and V. C. Leung, “Distributed Cooperative Topology Control for WANETs with Opportunistic Interference Cancellation,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Apr. 2013. SCI, IF=2.063.
  [8] M. Guo, S. Jiang, and Quansheng Guan, “QoS provisioning performance of IntServ, DiffServ and DQS with multi-class self-similar traffic,” Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 600–614, 2013.
  [7] Quansheng Guan, F. R. Yu, S. Jiang, and V. C. Leung, “Joint Topology and Authentication Design in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Cooperative Communications,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, no.6, pp. 2674 – 2685, Jul. 2012. SCI, IF=2.063.
  [6] Quansheng Guan, F. R. Yu, S. Jiang, and V. C. Leung, “Topology Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Cooperative Communications,” IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 74–79, Apr. 2012. SCI, IF=3.74.
  [5] Quansheng Guan, F. R. Yu, S. Jiang, and V. C. Leung, “Capacity-Optimized Topology Control for MANETs with Cooperative Communications,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 2162–2170, Jul. 2011. SCI, IF=2.575.
  [4] Quansheng Guan, F. R. Yu, S. Jiang, and G. Wei, “Prediction-based topology control and routing in cognitive radio mobile ad hoc networks,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 4443–4452, Dec. 2010. SCI, IF=2.063.
  [3] M. Guo, S. Jiang, Quansheng Guan, and H. Mao, “Provisioning of QoS adaptability in wired-wireless integrated networks,” Journal of Communications and Networks, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 61–70, 2013. SCI, IF=0.354.
  [2] X. Ao, F. R. Yu, S. Jiang, Quansheng Guan, and G. Wei, “Cooperation-aware topology control for wireless ad hoc networks with opportunistic interference cancellation,” IEICE Trans. Communications, vol. 95-B, no. 9, pp. 3047–3051, 2012. SCI, IF=0.427.
  [1] 郭棉, 姜胜明, 官权升, and 毛华超, “基于分形布朗业务模型的差分队列服务建模,” 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), vol. 40, no. 9, 2012. EI.

  ►会议论文(EI 收录23篇)
  [26] J. Lu(学生), Z. Huang(学生), N. Liu(学生), and Quansheng Guan*, “Distance-Weighted Backlog Differentials for Back-Pressure Routing in Multi-hop Wireless Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’14, (Shanghai, China), 2014. Best Paper Award
  [25] X. D. W. Xia, Quansheng Guan, S. Lin, and S. Jiang, “A Novel Distributed Power Control Based on Game Theory in Cognitive Wireless Network,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’14, (Shanghai, China), 2014.
  [24] B. Guo, Quansheng Guan, F. R. Yu, S. Jiang, and V. C. Leung, “Energy-Efficient Topology Control with Selective Diversity in Cooperative Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2014, (Sydney, AU), 2014.
  [23] G. Zheng and Quansheng Guan, “Routing and Spectrum Sharing in Geo-location Database Assisted Secondary Multi-Hop Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2014, (Sydney, AU), 2014.
  [22] M. Guo, Quansheng Guan, S. Jiang, and M. Liu, “A Differentiated Queueing Service Based Admission Control Policy for Wireless Multimedia,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2014, (Sydney, AU), 2014.
  [21] X. Ao, R. Yu, Quansheng Guan, S. Jiang, and V. Leung, “Capacity-Optimized Topology Control for Cooperative Wireless Networks with Interference Cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2013, (Atlanta, US), Dec. 2013.
  [20] Q. Guan, P. Yang, Quansheng Guan, and X. Wang, “An Improved Indirect Space Vector Modulation for Matrix Converters based on SVD Method,” in Proc. IECON 2013, 2013.
  [19] T. Chen, Quansheng Guan, S. Jiang, and H. Wang, “User-Motivated Topology Formation for Green Communication Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC 2013 Workshop on Green Mobile Computing Networks, (Xi’an, China), Aug. 2013.
  [18] Z. Fu, Quansheng Guan, F. Ji, S. Jiang, and Y. Lu, “Stable User Pairing in Virtual MIMO Systems: A Game Theoretical Perspective,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC 2013, (Xi’an, China), Aug. 2013.
  [17] Q. Wen, Quansheng Guan, S. Jiang, R. Yu, and J. Shi, “Energy-Efficient Joint Relay Selection and Power Control for Reliable Cooperative Communications,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC 2013, (Xi’an, China), Aug. 2013.
  [16] M. Guo, S. Jiang, and Quansheng Guan, “QoS Provisioning Performance of Differentiated Queueing Service with Mobile Wireless Multimedia,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC’13, (Shanghai, China), Apr. 2013.
  [15] Quansheng Guan, S. Jiang, W. Xie, and F. Yu, “Energy Efficiency in Reliable Cooperative Communications with Retransmissions,” in Proc. IEEE GreenCom’12, (Online), Sep. 2012.
  [14] B. Guo, S. Jiang, Quansheng Guan, M. Zeng, and X. Ao, “A Prediction-based Traffic Aggregation Scheme for Green Networking,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’12 Workshop on Green Communications and Networking, (Ottawa, Canada), Jun. 2012.
  [13] H. Mao, Quansheng Guan, G. Wei, B. Guo, and S. Jiang, “Integration of QoS and Congestion Control in Multi-hop Wireless Networks ,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2011), (Beijing, China), Dec. 2011.
  [12] B. Guo, H. Mao, S. Jiang, , Quansheng Guan, and X. Deng, “Domain-by-domain Implementation of Semi-TCP in All-Optical Networks,” in Proc. ICCT 2011, (Jinan, China), Sep. 2011.
  [11] M. Guo, Quansheng Guan, M. Huachao, and S. Jiang, “Comparison of IntServ, DiffServ and DQS for QoS Support in IP Converged IMSs,” in Proc. ICITIS 2011, (Beijing, China), 2011.
  [10] Quansheng Guan, F. R. Yu, S. Jiang, and V. Leung, “A Joint Design for Topology and Security in MANETs with Cooperative Communications,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2011, (Kyoto, Japan), 2011.
  [9] Quansheng Guan, F. R. Yu, and S. Jiang, “Capacity-Optimized Topology Control for MANETs with Cooperative Communications,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2011, (Kyoto, Japan), 2011.
  [8] Quansheng Guan, F. R. Yu, and S. Jiang, “Prediction-Based Topology Control and Routing in Cognitive Radio Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proc. Infocom 2010 Workshop on Cognitive Wireless Communication and Networking, (San Diego, CA, US), pp. 1–6, 2010.
  [7] 姜胜明, 蔡业桂, 官权升, 郭秉义, and 韦岗, “多跳无线自组织网络协议体系模型,” in 中国电子学会第十六 届青年学术年会(CIE–YC2010), (中国烟台), Sep. 2010.
  [6] Quansheng Guan, Q. Ding, and S. Jiang, “A minimum energy path topology control algorithm for wireless multihop networks,” in Proc. ACM ICWCMC’09, (Leipzig, Germany), pp. 557–561, 2009.
  [5] G. Zhang, S. Jiang, G. Wei, and Quansheng Guan, “A prediction-based detection algorithm against distributed denial-of-service attacks,” in Proc. ACM ICWCMC’09, (Leipzig, Germany), pp. 106–110, 2009.
  [4] Quansheng Guan, S. Jiang, Q.-L. Ding, and G. Wei, “Impact of topology control on capacity of wireless ad hoc networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICCS’08, (Guangzhou, China), pp. 588–592, 2008.
  [3] Y. Xu, Quansheng Guan, J. Zhang, G. Wei, Q. Ding, and H. Zhang, “Service Interval based channel time allocation in wireless UWB networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICCS’08, (Guangzhou, China), pp. 1550–1554, 2008.
  [2] H. Zhang, Q. Ding, X. Chen, Y. Meng, Y. Ye, and Quansheng Guan, “The Enhanced Bandwidth Reservation Algorithm for distributed UWB networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICCS’08, (Guangzhou, China), pp. 1545–1549, 2008.
  [1] Quansheng Guan and Q. Guan, “Analysis of Security Mechanism in UWB Standard of ECMA368,” in Proc. CSIT 2007, (Guangzhou, China), 2007.

  [9] 官权升,卿娟,季飞,"一种水下传感器网络的机会数据回传方法",申请号: 201510310294.2, June 5, 2014.
  [8] 官权升,陈天宇,陈晓菲,王妍堃,陈涵,"一种基于软件定义网络架构的用户端分布式路径计算方法",申请号: 201410479614.2, Sept. 2014.
  [7] 官权升and 黎蒙, “一种基于地理位置的背压链路调度算法.” 国家发明专利,申请号: 201410391015.5, Aug. 2014.
  [6] 官权升, 卿娟, 季飞, and 余华, “删除信道中采用跨层联合编码的有效吞吐量随机优化方法.” 国家发明专利,申请号: 201410108248.x, Apr. 2014.
  [5] 官权升, 翁青霄, 鲁静, and 黄祖明, “可靠协作通信中一种联合中继选择与功率控制方法.” 国家发明专利, 申请号: 201310354770, Aug. 2013.
  [4] 官权升, 彭攀, 谢驰一, 姜胜明, and 毛华超, “基于剩余时延的dcf/pcf 的无线媒介接入方法.” 国家发明专利, 申请号: 201310347957.9, Jun. 2013.
  [3] 官权升, 傅子维, 季飞, and 姜胜明, “一种虚拟多输入多输出系统中用户的配对方法.” 国家发明专利,申请号: 201210554912.4, Dec. 2012.
  [2] 姜胜明, 郭棉, 官权升, and 毛华超, “一种用于差分队列服务系统的数据包快速入队方法.” 国家发明专利,申请号: 20110387461.5,授权公告号: CN1024042258B, Jul. 2014.
  [1] 姜胜明, 毛华超, 王晓峰, 郭秉义, and 官权升, “一种用于准tcp,即semi-tcp 的自适应确认分组延迟发送的方法.” 国家发明专利,申请号: 201110445562.3,授权公告号:CN102413503B, Jun. 2014.

  [3] 官权升, 杨花荣, 谢婉娟, 曾敏, and 毛华超, “会议管理系统.” 软件版权编号:2012SR077495, Aug. 2012.
  [2] 官权升, 曾敏, 杨花荣, 谢婉娟, and 毛华超, “在线学习交互系统v1.0.” 软件版权编号:2012SR047949, June 2012.
  [1] 韦岗, 丁泉龙, 官权升, and 康明星, “超宽带无线网络拓扑控制仿真软件.” 软件版权编号:2010SR033945, July 2010.






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