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  性    别:女



  民    族:汉族

  籍    贯:黑龙江 齐齐哈尔市

  王 鸿,博 士

  教 授 / 博士生导师

  浙江工业大学 药学院




  E-mail: hongw@zjut.edu.cn








  1997-7—1998-8, 中科院成都生物所国家天然药物开放实验室,访问研究,合作导师丁立生研究员;

  2002-7—2004-6, 浙江大学有机与药物化学研究所,博士后,副研究员,合作教授潘远江教授;

  2004-6—至  今, 浙江工业大学 药学院

  2006-6—2011-2, 浙江工业大学 药学院 生物制药系系主任

  2011-2—2012-2, 加州大学 圣克鲁兹分校 (University of California, Santa Cruz),海洋天然药物研究组,访问学者,合作教授phil Crews。








  浙江工业大学校级优秀教师 (2009);




  浙江省自然科学优秀论文三等奖 (2005);





















  1.  国家自然科学基金项目:基于生物活性双模型高通量筛选技术的2株海洋真菌次级代谢产物研究(30973681),项目负责人;

  2.  浙江省自然科学基金项目:生物活性分子定点识别技术筛选海洋真菌次级代谢产物的研究(Y2080750),项目负责人;

  3.  浙江省科技厅重大科技攻关项目:海洋来源新型生物材料“类透明质酸”的研究与开发(2008C13066),项目负责人;

  4.  浙江省科技厅重大科技攻关项目:多肽、蛋白类药物聚乙二醇修饰关键技术研究及PEG-GCSF的研究(2005C13025),第二承担单位项目负责人;

  5.  浙江省经贸委中药现代化专项项目:中药山腊梅抗衰老退行性药物的研究与开发(2008-38),项目负责人;

  6.  浙江省中医药青年课题研究计划项目:畲药山蜡梅脂质纳米粒及靶向治疗心肌线粒体损伤研究(2007YA023),项目负责人;

  7.  浙江工业大学大型仪器设备开放基金:天然及生物药物结构鉴定及表面成像研究(20070950),项目负责人;

  8.  浙江省新世纪151人才项目,第二层次,项目负责人;

  9.  浙江工业大学重中之重学科开放研究基金:石凉撑抗衰老药效学研究(2007),分项目负责人;

  10. 浙江工业大学科研启动金项目:粉背南蛇藤化学成分的研究(116001129 ),项目负责人;

  11. 国家博士后基金项目:天然醌甲基三萜衍生物的药理学研究(2003034520),项目负责人;

  12. 浙江省博士后基金项目:天然抗癌化合物的修饰及药理学研究(107000-X90418),项目负责人;


  1.  浙江省自然科学基金项目:分离-制剂耦合过程的研究及其在中药二次开发中的应用 (Y405521),排名2/7;

  2.  浙江省科技厅重点科技攻关项目:类透明质酸壳聚糖的研究与开发(2006C23005),排名2/8;

  3.  浙江省科技厅一般科技攻关项目:抗肿瘤植物的筛选及其有效成分制备工艺产业化,浙科验字2008-929号,第二完成人;

  4.  浙江省科技厅重点科技攻关项目:抗血栓高纯度注射用蚓激酶,鉴定号:2005607,第三完成人;

  5.  浙江省经贸委中药现代化专项:分离重组技术在中药二次开发中的应用及产业化研究(2005),排名3/6;

  6.  浙江省科技厅面上项目:生物酶法降解琼胶制备生物活性琼寡糖的研究与开发(2007C23G2020024),排名5/8;

  7.  浙江省科技厅面上项目:抗抑郁药手性中间体β-羟基苯丙酸乙酯生物合成新技术(2007C23SAB00002),排名5/7;

  8.  浙江省科技厅重大科技攻关项目:新型碳青霉烯类抗生素亚胺培南生物合成关键技术的研究及产业化(2005C13024),排名4/10;

  9.  浙江省科技厅重大科技攻关项目:天然抗肿瘤药物-肿节风大容量注射液(2004C13009),排名10/14;

  10. 浙江省教育厅项目:亲和层析剂的制备及磷酸激酶纯化的研究(20051410),排名3/6;

  11. 浙江省教育厅项目:微生物法生产酪氨酸酶的研究(20040588),排名3/5;


  1. 陈霞,易喻,赵美蓉,应国清,芦斌,王鸿*,8株海洋真菌的抗氧化和抗肿瘤活性筛选,中国海洋药物杂志,2012,31(2),1;

  2. 易 喻, 江 威, 王 鸿, 梅建凤, 颜剑波, 陈建澍, 应国清*,羧甲基壳聚糖的制备及性能研究,浙江工业大学学报,2011,39(1),16;

  3. Wen-yue Xiong, Yu Yi, Hua-zhang Liu*, Hong Wang, Jin-hua Liu, Guo-qing Ying*,Selective carboxypropionylation of chitosan: synthesis, characterization, blood compatibility, and degradation,Carbohydrate Research 2011,346,1217;

  4. Guo-qing Ying?, Wen-yue Xiong, Hong Wang, Yang Sun, Hua-zhang Liu?,Preparation, water solubility and antioxidant activity of branched-chain chitosan derivatives,Carbohydrate Polymers,2011,83,1787;

  5. Hong Wang*, Xuan Tian, Guo Qing Ying*,A New Nortriterpene from the Root of Celastrus hypoleucus,Helv. Chim. Acta,2010,93(8),1628;

  6. 王鸿*,沈丽丽,梅建凤,易喻,陈建澍,应国清,不同培养时间海洋来源真菌Penicilliumspp.701挥发性成分分析,中国药学杂志,2010, 45(1), 11;

  7. 王鸿*,倪建良,曹小吉,应国清,海洋毛霉属真菌Mucor sp. MNP801转化天然香豆素后的挥发性成分研究,中国海洋药物杂志,2010,29(5),6;

  8. 熊文说,王鸿,易喻,等,结晶诱导不对称转化技术在拆分手性化合物中的研究进展,有机化学,2010,30(7),951.

  9. Wang Hong*,Shen Li Li,Mei jian feng,Ni JIan Liang,Yi Yu, Ying Guo Qing*,Analysis of antioxidant activity and volatile components of mycelium acetone extract from seven marine-derived fungi Penicillium spp. ,中国海洋药物,2009,28(6),19;

  10.  王鸿*,沈丽丽,梅建凤,易喻,应国清,海洋真菌活性代谢产物研究进展,中国海洋药物,2009,28(1),59;

  11.  应国清,郭涛,王鸿*,RP-HPLC检测华中五味子药材中的五味子醇甲含量,浙江工业大学学报,2009,37(1),6;

  12.  王鸿,郭涛,应国清*,榧属植物活性成分与药理作用研究进展,中草药,2007,38(11):11-13;

  13.  应国清,陆红娅,王鸿*,易喻,中药肿节风的研究进展,上海中医药杂志,2007,41(6):87-89;

  14.  王鸿*, 梅建凤, 易喻, 陈建澍, 郭涛, 应国清,A New Triterpene from Celastrus hypoleucus Root,林产化学与工业, 2007, 27(6),56-58;

  15.  王鸿*, 陆红娅, 陈建澍, 欧志敏, 易喻, 应国清, 宁波苦丁有效成分提取方法的比较及其抗氧化活性的研究,林产化学与工业, 2007, 27(5),89-93;

  16.  Hong Wang* and Xuan Tian, Two New Sesquiterpene Polyesters from the Seeds of Euonymus nanoides LOES. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2006, 54 (2), 219;

  17.  易喻,杨好,应国清,陈建澍,王鸿,N-邻苯二甲酰化壳聚糖的合成与性能, 化工进展,2006, 25 (5), 542-545;

  18.  杨好,熊文说,应国清,易喻,王鸿,交联透明质酸衍生物的制备与应用进展,化工进展,2006, 25 (12), 1410-1414;

  19. Duqiang Luo, Hong Wang, Xuan Tian , Hongjun Shao, Jikai  Liu,Antifungal properties of pristimerin and celastrol isolated from Celastrus hypoleucus,Pest Management Science, 2005, 61, 85;

  20. 胡何娇, 王鸿 , 潘远江*, GC-MS 法测定余杭栝楼根块的挥发油成分,林产化学与工业, 2005, 25(1),109-111;

  21. 欧志敏, 王普, 王鸿, 柳彩波, 酪氨酸酶的应用研究进展, 中国生物工程杂志, 2005, 163-169;

  22. Zhen-ling Liu, Zhong-jian Jia, Xuan Tian, Hong Wang, Six New Sesquiterpenes from Euonymus nanoides and Their Antitumor Effects Planta Medica 2004, 70 (4), 353;

  23. Zhen-ling Liu, Zhong-jian Jia, Xuan Tian, Hong Wang, Two new sesquiterpenes from Euonymus nanoides, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2004, 15 (2), 197;

  24. Hong Wang, Xuan Tian*, Yuan-jiang Pan*, Antitumor sesquiterpenes from Euonymus nanoides, Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2003, 86 (10), 3320;

  25. Hong Wang, Xuan Tian, Yuan-jiang Pan*, A new antitumor sesquiterpene from Euonymus nanoides, Journal of Chemical Research (S), 2003, 8, 509;

  26. Hong Wang, Xuan Tian, Yuan-jiang Pan*, A new antitumor β-dihydroagarofuran sesquiterpene polyol ester, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2003, 24 (5), 541.


  1.  沈丽丽,应国清,易  喻,梅建凤,陈建澍,王  鸿*,东海海洋真菌0701#次级代谢产物调控研究,中国化学会第26届学术年会-2008学术会议论文;

  2.  应国清,廖青青,易  喻,梅建凤,王  鸿*,柳叶蜡梅化学成分的研究,中国化学会第26届学术年会-2008学术会议论文;

  3.  沈丽丽,应国清,梅建凤,易  喻,王  鸿*,9株海洋真菌挥发性成分GC-MS分析,第七届全国天然有机化学学术研讨会-2008学术会议论文;

  4.  应国清,廖青青,梅建凤,易  喻,王  鸿*,柳叶腊梅中香豆素成分的研究,第七届全国天然有机化学学术研讨会-2008学术会议论文;

  5.  应国清,熊文说,易喻,刘化章,王 鸿*,天然来源的胸苷磷酸化酶的分离纯化,第七届全国天然有机化学学术研讨会-2008学术会议论文;

  6.  王鸿*,秦德怀,冯天才,应国清,抗肿瘤天然QMT类成分的缓释药物前体研究,华东六省一市生物化学与分子生物学学会-2006学术年会会议论文,2006,175。CNKI中国重要会议论文全文数据库收录;

  7.  王鸿*,戴华峰,赵欣,张琎,赵丰,应国清*,鲤鱼鳞胶原蛋白提取工艺研究,华东六省一市生物化学与分子生物学学会-2006学术年会会议论文,2006,177。CNKI中国重要会议论文全文数据库收录;

  8.  王鸿*,林美琳,李茜,陆红娅,应国清*,柳叶腊梅挥发油的活性研究,华东六省一市生物化学与分子生物学学会-2006学术年会会议论文,2006,CNKI中国重要会议论文全文数据库收录;

  9.  王鸿*,刘敏,刘俊丽,郭涛,赵丹军,应国清*,香榧提取物抗氧化活性研究,华东六省一市生物化学与分子生物学学会-2006学术年会会议论文,2006,178。CNKI中国重要会议论文全文数据库收录;

  10. 王鸿*,陆红娅,林美琳,李茜,应国清*,肿节风体外抗脂质过氧化活性研究.华东六省一市生物化学与分子生物学学会-2006学术年会会议论文,2006,191。CNKI中国重要会议论文全文数据库收录。


  Wang, Hong   Ph.D

  Professor of Natural Product and Medicinal Chemistry

  The College of Pharmaceutical Science

  Zhejiang University of Technology

  Hangzhou, 310014, CHINA

  Tel and Fax: +86-571-88871029

  E-mail: hongw@zjut.edu.cn


  Education and Experience

  2011—2012      Visiting Scholar,University of California,Santa Cruz

  2010-present    Professor, Zhejiang University of Technology

  2006- 2011      Director of Biopharmaceutical Department, ZJUT

  2004-2010      Associate Professor, Zhejiang University of Technology

  2004            Associate Researcher, Zhejiang University

  2002-2004      Post doc., Zhejiang University

  1999-2002      Ph. D., in Natural Product Chemistry, Lanzhou University

  1996-1999      M. S., in Natural Product Chemistry, Lanzhou University

  1992-1996      B. S., in Analysis Chemistry, Lanzhou University

  Professional Societies

  ?Member, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association

  ?Member, Chinese Chemical Society

  ?Member, Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Zhejiang Province)

  ?Executive member of the council, Association of Post Doctors of Zhejiang

  ?Vice Presidents, Post Doctors Association of Zhejiang University of Technology

  Awards and Honors

  2009    Excellent teacher, Zhejiang University of Technology

  2008    Teaching quality Award, Zhejiang University of Technology

  2006    The 151 person of Ability, Zhejiang Province of China

  2005    Third Place, Outstanding Science Paper Award, Zhejiang Province of China


  2004 – present  Courses Taught: Natural Products Chemistry / Medicinal Chemistry

  Advisor to 8 master’s graduate and 18 undergraduate students

  Research interests

  1.Isolation and structure elucidation of biological active natural products

  ?     content:  compounds from Marine Fungus and Medical Plants are isolated

  ?     method:  HPLC, GC, CC, UV, IR, NMR, MS.

  ?     goal:     Structure determination of biological active natural products.

  2.Bio-efficacy studies and analytical evaluation of active molecules of Marine Fungus and Herbal Drugs.

  3.Development and Commercialization of Bioactive Molecules from Natural Sources.

  Research Experience

  2010 -2012   Principle Investigator sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): High - Throughput Screening for Metabolites from Two Marine Fungus by the Pair Bioactivity Model

  2009 - 2010   Principle Investigator sponsored by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province: Fixed-Point Bioactivity Screening for Metabolites from Marine Fungus

  2008 - 2010   Principle Investigator sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology Foundation of Zhejiang Province: Study on the Hyaluronic Acid Analogue from Marine-Derived Biomaterial

  2008 - 2010   Principle Investigator sponsored by the Economic & Trade Commission Foundation of Zhejiang Province: Study on the Antiaging Components from Traditional Chinese Medicine Chimonanthus salicifolius Hu.

  2007 - 2008   Principle Investigator sponsored by the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department Foundation of Zhejiang Province: Development and Commercialization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Chimonanthus salicifolius Hu.

  2005 – 2008   Principle Investigator sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology Foundation of Zhejiang Province: Study on the Pegylation of Polypeptide and PEG - GCSF Drug


  1. Synthetic Method of the Antioxidant and Antitumor Active Pristimerine Derivatives, ZL 02 1 45134. 6,China

  2. Preparation Method and Use of the Antioxidant Active Macrocyclic Glyceride, ZL 2007 1 0069790. 9, China


  1.WANG Hong,* SHEN Li-li, MEI Jian-feng, YI Yu, CHEN Jian-shu, YING Guo-qing, The volatile components analysis of marine-derived fungus Penicillium spp.701 at the different culture time. Chin. Pharm. J, 2010, 45 (1), 11. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  2.WANG Hong*, SHEN Li-li, MEI jian-feng, NI jian-liang, YI Yu, YING Guo-qing, Analysis of antioxidant activity and volatile components of mycelium acetone extract from seven marine-derived fungi Penicillium spp. Chin. J Mar. Drugs, 2009, 28 (6), 19. (in English with Chinese abstract)

  3.WANG Hong*, SHEN Li-li, MEI jian-feng, YI Yu, YING Guo-qing,, Research advance of active metabolites from marine fungus. Chin. J Mar. Drugs, 2009, 28 (1), 59. (in Chinese)

  4.YING Guo-qing,,GUO Tao, YI Yu, MEI jian-feng, CHEN Jian-shu, WANG Hong*, Determination of schisandrin in Schisandra sphenanthera by RP-HPLC. J Zhej. Univ. Tech. 2009, 37 (1), 6. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  5.WANG Hong*, GUO Tao, YING Guo-qing, Advances in studies on active constituents and their pharmacological activities for plants of Torreya Arn. Chin. Trad. Herb. Drugs. 2007, 38 (11), 1747. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  6.YING Guo-qing, LU Hong-ya, WANG Hong*, YI Yu, Research Advances of Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) Nakai. SH. J TCM. 2007, 41(6), 85. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  7.WANG Hong*, MEI jian-feng, YI Yu, CHEN Jian-shu, GUO Tao, YING Guo-qing,, A new triterpene from Celastrus hypoleucus root,Chem. Indu. Fore. Prod. 2007, 27 (6), 56. (in English with Chinese abstract)

  8.WANG Hong*, LU Hong-ya, CHEN Jian-shu, OU Zhi-min, YI Yu, YING Guo-qing,, Study on extraction and antioxidant activity of active Constituents from Ilex latifolia Thunb. in Ningbo, Chem. Indu. Fore. Prod. 2007, 27 (5), 89. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  9.Hong WANG and Xuan TIAN, Two New Sesquiterpene Polyesters from the Seeds of Euonymus nanoides LOES. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2006, 54(2), 219.

  10.Duqiang LUO, Hong WANG, Xuan TIAN , Hongjun SHAO, Jikai  LIU,Antifungal properties of pristimerin and celastrol isolated from Celastrus hypoleucus. Pest Manag.Scie. 2005, 61, 85.

  11.Hejiao HU, Hong WANG, Yuanjiang PAN, GC-MS analysis of volatile oil components of roots of Trichosanthes kirilowii maximo. Chem. Indu. Fore. Prod. 2005, 25(1), 109. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  12.Zhenling LIU, Zhongjian JIA, Xuan TIAN, Hong WANG, Six New Sesquiterpenes from Euonymus nanoides and Their Antitumor Effects. Plant.Med. 2004, 70(4), 353.

  13.Zhenling LIU, Zhongjian JIA, Xuan TIAN, Hong WANG, Two new sesquiterpenes from Euonymus nanoides. Chin. Chem. Lett.. 2004, 15(2), 197.

  14.Hong WANG, Xuan TIAN, Yuanjiang PAN, Antitumor sesquiterpenes from Euonymus nanoides. Helv. Chim. Acta 2003, 86 (10), 3320.

  15.Hong WANG, Xuan TIAN, Yuanjiang PAN, A new antitumor sesquiterpene from Euonymus nanoides. J Chem. Res. (S), 2003, 8, 509.

  16.Hong WANG, Xuan TIAN, Yuanjiang PAN, A new antitumor β-dihydroagaro-furan sesquiterpene polyol ester. Bull. Kor. Chem. Soc. 2003, 24, 541.

  17.Bin HUI, Yongjie WU, Hong WANG, Xuan TIAN, Effect of pristimerin on experimental inflammation in mice and rats. Chin. Pharm. Bull. 2003, 19(6), 656. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  18.Hong WANG, Xuan TIAN, Yaozu CHEN, Two New Sesquiterpene from Euonymus nanoides. Chin. Chem. Lett.. 2002, 13, 1063.

  19.Hong WANG, Xuan TIAN, Yao-zu CHEN, Chemical Constituents of the Aerial Part of Celastrus hypoleucus. J Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taiwan). 2002, 49, 433.

  20.Hong WANG, Li YANG, Xuan TIAN, Yaozu CHEN, Sesquiterpene Polyol Esters from Euonymus phellomana Loes. Pharmazie. 2001,11, 889.

  21.Bin SUN, Hong WANG, Man LU, Xuan TIAN, Volatile Elements of Anaphalis Marguuritacea, a Chinese Medicinal Herb. J Lanz. Univ. (Natural Sciences). 2001, 37, 66. (in Chinese with English abstract)



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